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About Coach Lee

A Life Dedicated To Helping Marriages And Relationships Succeed

Lee Wilson is a renowned Relationship/Break-up Coach as well as a best-selling author who has been seen by multi-millions on YouTube working with individuals to become their most attractive selves in order to bring success in relationships and to reunite with the one they love after a breakup or marital separation.

He has more than 20 years in the relationship enrichment and recovery service, having multiple certifications and a large number of observed cases and situations.

Lee holds a Master Diploma in Marriage and Family Counseling and has been interviewed by The New York Times, USA Today, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Yahoo Lifestyle,, Men’s Health, Bravo TV, The New York Post, The Sun, Reuters, Metro UK, EliteDaily as well as and others.

He is the developer of the Emergency Breakup Kit and the Emergency Marriage Kit along with other videos and resources to help people reunite with an ex or straying partner. His goal is to help people reunite or to move on with dignity and hope.

What People Are Saying...

"Two years ago, I separated from my spouse.  We were at a point where we could no longer talk or communicate with each other due to life situations, stress, and misunderstandings that had been accumulating for years.   My spouse left even though I still wanted to maintain our marriage.  It was very hard at first so I kept watching Coach Lee until the day of the divorce at the court after 2 years no contact.  My ex-husband saw me and we just said hi to each other. After that, he began calling me regularly and asked me out for coffee. He said he was afraid to contact me because he thought I might reject him. He apologized for his bad decisions and owned up to his part. I want to tell everyone that Coach Lee is trustworthy and his advice is a great value.  He helped me reach the end of the dark tunnel."

Mary D. | Denver, CO

"We are 9 years married and have been separated for 6 months. My wife has decided to come back and give our marriage another try. I did everything Coach Lee talks about in all his videos, and it has worked wonders in getting my wife back. Thank you Coach Lee."

Dave S. | San Diego, CA

"Thank you for the content, Coach Lee.  You coached me in these videos and saved my marriage. Well - we got married again ❤️ Remarried and almost two years since. I hope we never forget the pain we felt being apart. Thank you.

Debra F. | Minneapolis, MN

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