How to get your ex thinking about you and the great times they had with you so they will be hoping to get you back. ($79 Value)
When to do certain crucial things for maximum effectiveness, and when to leave them alone. ($100 Value)
Why some of your instincts are completely wrong and will push them even further away, but also which ones are right and how to lean into them. ($80 Value)
How to make them jealous without appearing that you are trying! (This is not what you are likely thinking by the way - at all). ($45 Value)
What you must do after successfully using my methods to get them reaching out to you! ($50 Value)
How to get your ex back from a rebound relationship by using a covert strategy I haven't heard any other relationship coaches talk about! (I learned this by being privy to PH.D. research that extremely few people even have access to! This is high-level stuff that you'd rather know to eliminate the chump who is trying to take what is yours!). ($299 Value)
The one thing you must not do even though it may seem like you should. (It is absolutely vital to rebuilding your ex's attraction towards you!). ($75 Value)
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Garland, TX
Maria Rodriguez
Gallup, NM
Kelly Jean Hilton
Beverly, MA
Mark Bishop
Albany, NY
Keith Stort
Glendale, AZ